Admission Form Child's Name *Child's Last Name *Child's Photographs *Drag and Drop (or) Choose FilesChild's Age *child's Gender *MaleFemaleAdmission Class *Play Group (Class 1)Play Group (Class 2)Play Group (Class 3)Class 4Class 5Class 6Class 7Class 8Class 9Class 10Gaurdian's Email *Gaurdian Residential Tel No.Gaurdian Mobile No. *Gaurdian Alternate No. *Permanent Mailing Address *Father's/Gaurdian's Name *Father's/Gaurdian NIC *Father's Gaurdian Occupation *I have uploaded photograph of the child with the form *YesNoI have uploaded photographs of NIC of Father, Mother or Gaurdian *YesNoI have uploaded photograph of "bay form" of the child with this Email *YesNoSubmit Form